Mark McClue has been a resident of Chartwell with his family for 19 years. Mark is involved in various spheres of business and social impact investments and is a founding member of the NPO which provides a ‘Voice for Water’ and addressing ways to keep riversclean and safe. He is a passionate whitewater kayaker, trail runner and outdoor adventurer and loves the lifestyle that Chartwell offers. Mark who was involved with in the CCE in the early 2000’s has returned to the board to assist with the portfolios’ covering environmental and social activities in our community. The CCE has the challenging task of serving the diverse needs of our Chartwells residents who tend to be visionary, entrepreneurial and passionate characters who hold various and often strong opinions of what the future holds! I believe that all of us as Chartwell residence need to put aside our personal differences to enhance, protect and enjoy the common thread that binds us all together, the beautiful are that we live in.