As is unfortunately so often the case, it took a spike in crime a few years ago to mobilize a number of Chartwell residents into action. It has really been refreshing, heart-warming and quite frankly astounding to witness. What started out as a few residents who were not prepared to just sit in their homes in fear, waiting to become the next victim of crime has become a proactive community lead movement against crime. Gone are the days of the entire community looking to a few committee members, one or two security companies or SAPS alone to secure our area. The fact is, that those with a vested interest in the area will have the most interest and affecton its security. The primary function of the ‘Chartwell Blockwatch’ is for residents to become the active eyes and ears on the ground, each patrolling our streets for two hours a month, monitoring weak spots and potential new breaches, checking theactivity of the security companies and guards as well as generally becoming awareof what is happening in our area while most are asleep.
The Chartwell Blockwatch has become a platform where Chartwell residents can meet and get to know each other whilst making our area a safer place. The time hascome for every Chartwell resident, young and old, male or female, to stand up and take ownership of our security. To sign up, please contact Jenni Brown who will put you in contact with the relevant person and add you to the Whatsapp group.
SOS Group
In conjunction with the area Blockwatch initiative, Chartwell has two SOS groups, North & South. These groups are strictly used in the event of a life threatening situation. ADT security control room as well a team of residents who are part of the ‘Emergency Reaction Team’ (ERT) are on both groups. In the event of an incident, in addition to the security companies, ERT and Saps responding, as many residents aspossible are encouraged to get in their cars and patrol the streets to add extra eyes and ears on the ground.